Colorado Wild Plants and Fungi
by DaySounds © 2013-15
Canada Thistle (Cirsium arvense)
It is dioecious (having separate male and female plants), with small flower heads.
The male flower head is roundish, and about ¼-½ inch tall and wide. The female
flower head is generally taller than wider (average: ¾- 1 inch tall by ¼-½ inch
wide). The bracts appear to be a little spiny; however, when you handle them,
they are soft. The flowers can be bluish/purple or cream/white. Its most effective
way of reproduction is vegetative (through the roots, which grow both vertical and
horizontally). It reproduces through seeds too.
It is an edible plant (roots included). Just make sure to get rid of its sharp components
before ingesting. It can be eaten raw or cooked.
PO Box 746497
Arvada, CO 80006