Colorado Wild Plants and Fungi
by DaySounds © 2013-15
Fairy Slipper/Calypso Orchid/Angel Slipper
(Calypso bulbosa var. americana forma albiflora)
It is considered as either an endangered or threatened species in some states, but
not in Colorado; however, there are not many of these plants here either. When you
see them, try your best not to use them, so other people can enjoy looking at them
too. The flower has mostly a vanilla scent; however, the same flower can change slightly
its scent, shape and/or color to attract pollinators a second or third time (none of these
flowers contains nectar, so the pollinators--mostly bees--wouldn't go to them again
otherwise). A fairy slipper reproduces asexually also through its corm (underground
bulb-like stem, which could be a valuable source of nutrients in a real survival situation).
It is an edible plant.
PO Box 746497
Arvada, CO 80006