Colorado Wild Plants and Fungi
by DaySounds © 2013-16
We believe the lichens in the picture are:
Lecanora, Caloplaca, Aspicilia, Pleopsidium, Xanthoparmelia cumberlandia, and Buellia pullata.
However, if you plan to eat them, consult first a lichenologist; then, boil the lichens for 30 minutes
and soak them for two days in several changes of water (discard the soaking water every time and
add fresh one); finally, boil them a second time.
The following lichens ( not in picture) are toxic if taken internally, because they contain vulpinic acid,
but they can be used externally: Letharia vulpina or Wolf Lichen (greenish yellow, shrubby
and highly branched, grows on the bark of living and dead conifers) and Vulpicida pinastri or Powdered
Sunshine Lichen (sulfur yellow, leaf-like or branch-like, grows mostly on trees or wood, but it can also
live on rocks).
PO Box 746497
Arvada, CO 80006